The library at Luleå University of Technology got a new look! It went through a renovation and now is being recognized as one of the most modern research libraries in Sweden.
There are two studios in the library, one for visualizations and creation and another one for practice and development of presentation techniques.
There are 615 seats, at least half of which have the classic study look and more than 2,20,000 books on more than 4,000 shelves. The seats have the option of connecting a laptop and charging mobile phones.
Additionally, there is a ´self-help´ place where the members can take care of borrowing and returning themselves, open an account, change pin code and password, pay fees, pick up reserved books, search shelves.
The authorities will officially inaugurate the library on 10 September 2020.
Opening hours
Monday - Thursday
8:00 - 20:00
8:00 - 18:00
Saturday and Sunday
10:00 - 16:00
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