Wafiq's first two months in Luleå

Wafiq was out of school for almost two months. There was a long summer vacation in Bangladesh before we came and after coming to Luleå, he had to wait for a month to start the schooling.

For me it's been a busy month and a half here in Luleå but for Wafiq, things moved slowly. I told him to get busy learning Swedish, reading innovation related articles. As a teenager he did what most teenager do – ignore parents’ advises.

I noticed he was taking interest in cooking. I also noticed he is writing regularly on his diary. He said he is writing down his feelings in both essays and lyrics. But he imposed an embargo on reading his diary, so I don't know what he wrote.

To my surprise, I noticed last week that he was learning video editing. It's still basic but a good start. On death anniversary of the great Ayub Bacchu, he wants to publish a tribute - shey tumi.

He has also written a piece on Ayub Bacchu. He read it out to me two nights ago, quite a mature piece for a 13 year old.

He started school just this week. Language is still a barrier as medium of instruction is Swedish but he is enjoying as the teachers explain everything to him in English and classmates also are comfortable speaking English. There is either a music class or a sports class everyday which I think is creating an extra eagerness. The school is a little far away from where we live. He has to walk about two km each way. It started to snow but not much. I go to drop him off and then I go to the university. The landscape from the house to the school is beautiful so I consider it as a pleasant morning walk.
